Search results

Your search for barcode returned 116 result(s).

Barcode scanners with drivers licence parsing support retail compliance in sales of regulated items

1 Barcode scanners with drivers licence parsing support retail compliance in sales of regulated items

Retailers who sell regulated goods such as alcohol and tobacco must adhere to US local, state, and federal requirements to accurately verify customer drivers licence data

New barcode heralds major changes for retail store systems

2 New barcode heralds major changes for retail store systems

A fundamental change is taking place in the world of bar codes, for the first time since bar coding was introduced to retail packaging over 35 years ago.

How barcodes add brand value

3 How barcodes add brand value

Today the world turns on bar code technology. Without it the carefully choreographed dance of just-in-time manufacture, warehouse management, distribution, inventory control and stock replenishment would unravel...

Honeywell responds to customer demand with ISO Aztec code

4 Honeywell responds to customer demand with ISO Aztec code

ISO Acknowledgement for Multipurpose Barcode

Barcode imager reads paperless vouchers from mobile phone and PDA Displays

5 Barcode imager reads paperless vouchers from mobile phone and PDA Displays

Data peripheral manufacturer Access IS has released a miniature bar code imager the LSR110,

Honeywell introduces a new entry-level barcode scanner

6 Honeywell introduces a new entry-level barcode scanner

The 3200 Linear Imager Provides Quality Scanning Performance and Ergonomic Design at an Affordable Price

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